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Here is an overview of some of our ministries.  Feel free to browse through and if you have any questions click the contact us tab and drop us a line.

Unleashed Youth Ministry


Unleashed Youth meets in the Family Life Center on Wednesday nights at 7:00 with Youth Pastors David & Felicia Clark.  Come be a part of this power packed time of equipping today's youth to tackle the schemes of the enemy and teaching them to live their lives

consumed by God's power.

Life Classes


Life Classes are our discipleship classes that meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30 for fellowship and class starts at 7:00.  We have classes for everyone: men, women, young adults, youth, children and nursery.  You will enjoy various topics that will empower you to live a life in pursuit of God and to answer His call for your life.

ACTS29 Kids


VWC Kids meet on Sunday Mornings in the Family Life Center.  We are dedicated to planting Biblical seeds into our children that will help them to grow into the men and women that God created them to be and helping them to become who God wants them

to be today.



We believe that the time our children spent in the Nursery ministry is not to be wasted.  Our nursery workers spend time with short lessons and illustrations that are foundational to raising them up as young men and women of faith.  Nursery meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings for children ages 0-4.

40 & Up


40 & Up meets on Friday evenings at 6pm in the ECV Fellowship Hall for games, food and fellowship.  For ages 40 & Up.

House of Destiny


House of Destiny is a step in the right direction for women who struggle with addictions to drugs and alcohol.  We offer a one year Biblical program of in-house internship.  Our dedicated staff and teachers care enough to step out and make a difference.  Call 936-274-5657 for more information or click on this box to go directly to their website.


Watch our Sunday morning services live on Facebook.  Click on this box to go directly to our page.

© 2018 Encounter Church Votaw


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